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Hello, Hello,

It’s good to be back, it’s good to be back. 

As one of my favourite childhood bands oasis proclaimed – the less said about the originator of this lyric, the better. It is, however, good to be back.

I had a grand ideal of writing a blog per week at least; and for a couple of months I succeeded and sometimes knocked out two in a seven day period, to my very own disbelief.

A few things stood in the way this year though, a couple of viruses that took the whole household out for periods and  anyone who has a child will understand that you would do anything to take the illness away from them, but it is exhausting. Throw in the ME and fact that I am susceptible to relapses at the drop of a hat, that is also stressful to my brain. Gastroenteritis struck myself down a couple of times and claimed Lindsay and Aurora too at one point.

Also, I managed to fall ill to Shingles on my face by my eye again, third time in four years. Which they now seem to think is also due to my ME and lower immune system, so it’s highly likely I may get it a fourth time. Strange, as I only thought you could get it once. Though, it is deemed extremely unlucky to get it a second time… now I’ve had my third bout, I wonder if I’m a medical marvel and may be used for scientific research? At a price of course, I’m not cheap. Well not much!

On a positive side, I’ve also been learning to drive. I took an initial crash course over a week period and got right up to speed and can’t believe that just over a month ago I sat behind the wheel of a car for the first time. I picked it up pretty quickly, and now I am having one or two lessons a week just to finesse my skill and manoeuvres prior to my driving test.

Sadly after that first week of lessons, I mean it’s called intensive for a reason, I had a symptom flare up and was bed ridden for a few days. Gladly, it was just that, and with a week of bed rest and then a fortnight of pacing, I recovered relatively quickly. It did help that Lindsay was off, so I didn’t have to worry about Aurora.

I feel that is enough fo now, so I will leave this entry here I think, as it gives you a brief insight to why I haven’t really had the time or energy to keep relevant. I will be back with more updates on Rory and my health/life in general. I can say that Rory is currently potty training, I feel there may be a story in there somewhere soon; but I will leave you with the poetic words of Elton John (via Bernie Taupin) – The bitch, the bitch, the bitch is back…

See you all again soon, on a Facebook or WordPress site near you.

7 thoughts on “Hello, Hello,

    1. Hey Abby 😊 it’s good to be back, I have enjoyed keeping up to date with your travels especially Disney, on Instagram ♥️ looked amazing! X

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I bet! It looks so much fun! Will probably wait till we have our second child then look at going over. I can’t live my life and not go to Disney at least once 😂 x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what the doctors said. I had chicken pox once as a kid but of course I didn’t have ME then. Now to get shingles 3 times in 4 years…?
      Sorry you have had to go through this too, it’s a pain isn’t it?


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